Sep 17, 2007

The beginning

This is the first post of many to come (I hope) on zyphoo blog.

Now, I'm not going to sugarcoat this "first post" with attempts to seem nice and crap to try and get some people and then hit you with some stuff later on. No, this post is made before the Zyph in "zyphoo" got to edit it so far.

I would like to start out by if you don't like us, GTFO and don't spam. Now, this blog is made to entertain people. I sure as hell hope we don't resort to putting "drama" in here to gain female viewers. We aren't desperate. We'll delete this if no one like it.

Zypher will be publishing his blogs in his own unique font while I will post using this font. As we can see, his font is the blue typing. If he types in my font and poses me, I will chop off his e-dick.

So, that ends my first post and I hope you all enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha nice blog. :D