Oct 9, 2007


Haven't updated in a while and there isn't much to talk about. Only that during lunch two girls dug their nails into me. >_>

I was just trying to look at my friend's notes for a book and it became a small tug-of-war for the book. Soon after, one, no TWO! girls started smacking me and punching me. It was not long until they dug their claws into my arm.

Right now my skin is still ripped and there are a bunch of marks on my skin. That wasn't the reason I let go. They started to pinch me. Stupid h4x.

A Sweet Little Song in B7

blue eyes i could look into forever
blond radiant hair that rivals even mine
brilliant beauty incarnate in front of me
bright voice each day soothing the soul
by nine thirty i gain such serenity
but it is acquired without extra effort
because seeing you is all it takes

Sep 29, 2007


Well, you can see the title that something insane happens! :O That'll be the second story. We will, however, start something still pretty insane.

Have you ever heard of McLean Bible Church? If you have, then you can just skip this story. Well, it's a pretty damn big church. Have you heard of Tyson's Corner in Virginia? It's a pretty damn big mall, man. That's one of the reasons why the east coast is quite "in-fashion" or whatever. Well, McLean Bible Church has a parking lot BIGGER THAN TYSON'S CORNER. Wtf? They also got a skating rink and stuff. Well, they're so big, they outbought Starbucks or something. Wow. Wao, mahn.


Well, main story comes now. I was going home in my friend's car from church after a praise practice. It's about 10:20 when we left and we should have gotten home at about... 10:40.

Anyways, we're going down the highway, music's turned up loud. We're in the neighborhood near my house (just a couple miles). All of a sudden, we hear sirens. Oh crap. Thankfully, it was legal for my friend to drive my brother and me. But oh crap, man.

My friend doesn't know what to do because he's never been pulled over so he stops in the middle of the road on this thingy. The police guy is pissed and says "Go to the curve," in a mad tone. My friend's freakin' scared, kinda, and goes and makes a turn. They guy asks if my friend for license, registration, etc. The whole time he was gone, we just talked and talked about the situation. He told us that my friend's headlight was broken. It seemed fine to us. Oddly enough, right after the guy went to his car, people both called my brother and my friend. Funnily enough, the person who called my friend was his friend who saw him. LOL.

When he came back, he was pretty nice, gave a paper (not a ticket) and told my friend he could come out and see it. My friend stepped out and was just like "ohhhh." Fine, right? He comes back in and heads towards home. On the way, he told us how he was so freakin' nervous that he slammed the door on his fingers on the way out. LOL.

Anyways, we headed home and that was it. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that he was so excited/nervous that he started to go literally 50MPH in a 25-30MPH area. I hope he wasn't pulled over again that day.


Sep 28, 2007

Timmy, you freakin' pervert

Alright, well today was okay. It was nice, I suppose.

Well, I left school early today but got home later than people in school. >_> Anyways, I got three teeth removed. My permanent first bi-cuspids and my second one that was a baby tooth. They kinda hurt now... Eh. Whatever.

Well, I had a party today. There were a couple highlights which were sitting with 3 other girls. ;) Nah, but that was because we had a nice talk. Lily Chen is now "Navi," Xixi is now a "BLT," and Laura has become an ellipses. Lol. Good times.

Well, the party nearly ended now and Timmy was being a freakin' pervert. A game pervert. Wth? Lol. He used the camera in Nightfire on PS2 to zoom in on women's frontal... parts... Yeah.

Sep 27, 2007

Good job, Moo. Good job.

Well, I guess I haven't updated in a while but who really cares? Not many people even view this blog.

Well, article of business number 1... Ah, yes. The guy floating around on the background of the blog. Who is it? Well, according to Zypher, it's daxflame. No, that's not his real name. That's the name he uses on youtube. I suppose you know what that is. If you don't, stop reading and gtfo. Anyways, Zypher says he's hilarious but I haven't had the chance to watch him because youtube didn't work at that time. I think they're just video diaries but hey, that can be fun.

Next article of business: the poll. Thankfully, dwarra is winning. For those who don't know what a dwarra is (lol inside joke right there :V That'll get the newbs asking "What's a dwarra?"), fine because it doesn't concern you. Hell, it barely concerns me.

Well to get to the main topic as shown by the title, good job. BRAVO. I was working out (OOHHH~ SEXY, EH?) and I did some curls. Then when I went to work on triceps (hold the dumbbell on both sides and up down) I did fine. When I dropped it.... it was fine. Lol. But, mine are settable weights. Kinda like a barbell in the form of a dumbell. So, there was a screw on each end. As I removed my hands, my left ring finger got stuck between the screw and one of the weights! I heard it crack and it hurt for a second. Then it started to bleed. Wtf, Moo. Wtf.


Sep 23, 2007


Lots of hilarious things happened today and the day before. Let's start with yesterday.

Yesterday, I watched it a video called "SeungSooF" made by my friends. They were recording my pastor and saved a take where he was doing something. The end result? My pastor said the "F" word. He denied it and said he was saying "BRECK" (something he says for no absolute reason) but he lost in the end.

Okay, today in the morning, I saw a house TP'd. I lol'd pretty hard. But what was pretty goddamn disgusting was that it was for a birthday. That's a joke. That's nice. That's not actually the disgusting part. The part was that it was for someone's 40TH BIRTHDAY. That's sick. I understand teenagers doing it for their friends but seriously. SOMEONE 40 YEARS OLD? That's disgusting.

Last thing: my pastor's sermon. Yessir, same ol' Pastor Seungsoo F. He's a cool guy, by the way. One of the best people I know. Anyways, there were some funny things. One was that he said "pron" in his sermon. LOL. But he was trying to say "prone" but he messed up. :P Also, the other thing was that he said "I am hard." LOL. I lol'd so much. But he was meaning it like it was hard to do something or like that. Despite the reasons/actual stories, that was some hilarious stuff.


Sep 22, 2007

Recent Events

Aight. I forgot to update recently/haven't found the time to update the past few days. So, let's see if I can remember something...

Well... Yesterday was "National Hug Day"... Got to hug some girls, whoop-de-doo. I also got to hug some guys. YEAA~ Gay relationships HOOO~~~ Nah, not really. But it makes for some good blogginz, huh?

Well, Zypher finally updated! As we see, he is quality over quantity, unlike me. Sadly, I didn't get o chop his off. D:

Oh, I just watched that Rice Krispies commercial with the little kid and the mom in black and white? Yeah. I can't tell if the kid is a girl of a boy. The kid's pretty high, too. He or she thinks she can hear the cereal talking. Lol.

Final note: I'm watching Forrest Gump right now. It's a damn good movie.